Signature Programs
Ninth-Grade Curriculum

Juniors and seniors launch the Health Information Project

More than four dozen juniors and seniors visited classrooms of ninth-grade students on Oct. 20 to share the first unit of an extensive health and wellness curriculum that covers topics ranging from anxiety to substance use. The students wore white T-shirts emblazoned with HIP – Health Information Project – as they launched the peer-to-peer program, in its seventh year at Ransom Everglades.
The student leaders, known as Peer Health Educators (PHEs), underwent weeks of training through HIP, which was founded in 2009 by Risa Berrin '98. The organization, created to offer an innovative way of sharing critical health information with students, partners with schools across Florida and beyond.

RE's PHEs will work with ninth graders in their advisory groups throughout the year, presenting health topics in a way that is accessible and promotes discussion. They will also share links to helpful resources.

RE faculty member Karen Key directs the program at Ransom Everglades, serving as an advisor to the PHEs. Learn more about Berrin and HIP here.

RE Peer Health Educators in 2022-23
Loriz Arencibia '23
Eliza Arnold '24
Tamia Beckford '23
James Brown Urmeneta '24
Eleonora Cavallini '23
Leticia Crosby '23
Ana Beatriz Cury '24
Lucia Rose Dahn '23
Lila Diamond '23
Natasha Do Valle '23
Chiara Elbaz '23
Nicolas Fayad '24
Daniel Figueroa '24
Diana Gonzalez '24
Kaitlyn Gonzalez '24
Eden Harris '24
Jack Harris '23
Grace Hucks '24
Olivia Janette '24
Nathan Kaplan '24
Lily Landman '23
Gabrielle Lieberman '24
Ella Lombardo '24
Daniel Luca '23
Trent Mopsick '23
Rogelio Munoz‑Franco '23
Kyler Pace '23
Joaquin Palacino '23
Jake Perdigon '24
Juliana Perez Rivera '24
Martin Piedrahita '24
Nicolas Poliak '24
Jonathan Pollak '23
Natasha Rodriguez '23
Sophia Romanov‑Imber '24
Olivia Rubell '23
Scarlett Sable '24
Carmen Wood Tembleque '23
Justin Saphier '23
Lauren Scott '24
A.J. Srebnick '23
Denise Suarez '23
Ricky Sucre Gil '23
Laura Teofilo '23
Julia Torto '24
Nick Viana '24
Stephanie Wallen '24
Nolan Wu '24
Marco Zhao '23
Founded in 1903, Ransom Everglades School is a coeducational, college preparatory day school for grades 6 - 12 located on two campuses in Coconut Grove, Florida. Ransom Everglades School produces graduates who "believe that they are in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what they can put into it." The school provides rigorous college preparation that promotes the student's sense of identity, community, personal integrity and values for a productive and satisfying life, and prepares the student to lead and to contribute to society.