Student Life

Raiders earn victory at SAIS #4 regatta

The raider varsity sailing team competed this past weekend in the highly competitive South Points #4 at The University of South Florida in St. Petersburg, FL against 15 teams from all over the state. Despite cold conditions, the weather was perfect for sailing with excellent winds and an abundance of sunshine. The varsity group was led by Ian Fox '24, Griggs Diemar ‘25, Violet Martin '24, and Kayra Serpenguzel '25 , along with skippers Garrett Fox '26 and Ava McAliley '26 and crew members Amelia Lazarus '25,  and Manolo Campos '25 rotating in. The Raiders finished first overall as a team including nine first place finishes over the course of the event. Congratulations to all team members on a great start to the spring season.
Founded in 1903, Ransom Everglades School is a coeducational, college preparatory day school for grades 6 - 12 located on two campuses in Coconut Grove, Florida. Ransom Everglades School produces graduates who "believe that they are in the world not so much for what they can get out of it as for what they can put into it." The school provides rigorous college preparation that promotes the student's sense of identity, community, personal integrity and values for a productive and satisfying life, and prepares the student to lead and to contribute to society.